Google Drive allows to upload, view, share and edit files. When you upload the files or folder into your Google drive, it will occupy the space in your drive.
With your Google account, you can get free drive space of 15 GB storage. With this drive space, you can easily upload and backup your 15 GB of data. However, you can expand drive storage with the Google One subscription plans.
Note: You can easily upload folders and files to the drive on the computer, but you can upload only files from a mobile device. You can use the computer option to upload folders.
In this Digit Guider, You will learn how to upload files and folders to Google Drive on
Tip: Download and Install Google Drive App on your Computer or Mobile and upload the files to the drive.
How to Upload Files and Folder on Computer
1. On your computer, open the browser
2. Go to
3. Log in to your Google account. If you are already login, you will be redirected to the drive home page –
4. At the top left of the drive page, click on “New”
5. Click on the option “File Upload” to upload a file or click on the option “Folder Upload” to upload the folder to Drive.
6. Now from your PC, choose a file or folder to upload on the drive.
How to upload files to Drive with Drag and Drop
You can easily upload files and folders to Google Drive through the drag and drop option, refer below step by step procedure to upload files
1. On your computer, open the browser and go to
2. On Google Drive Page, click on “My Drive”
3. Now Create a Folder or Open an existing Folder
4. If your browser is maximized, click on the middle button to restore down. So you can easily drag the drop the files or folder to drive.
5. On your computer, select the file or folder or choose multiple files or folders, select the ctrl key, and select the files/ folders.
6. Now drag the selected files and drop them at the google drive page.
How to Upload Files on Android
To upload files or folders in Google Drive from your Android device, you must install or update the drive application.
1. On your Android phone or tablet, open the drive app
2. Choose the folder to upload the files. Tap “+“ icon
3. On create new option, tap “Upload”
4. Now select the files from your mobile /tablet file manager to upload in Google drive
5. View the status of uploaded files in the drive.
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